Thursday 3 January 2013

THe significance of the Chinese black tortise in Chinese Daoist culture

True original authentic Chinese relgious culture is its river Dragon Emperor worship from its auto-chronologiccal shamantist and primitive culture due to tis River civlisation settlement . It is neither Daosim, buddhism and Confucionism which were intellectual revolutionary philosophies which came much later in the development of the Chinese civilisation. As according to ETC Warner's myth and legends of China, Chinese sociology evolved from the spread of the Indo-aryan migration from Sumeria into ancinet Greece, India, Egypt and China and it was the slave tribal Chief King Chi or Emperor Chi who spurred on the Han Chinese migration across the asain steppes cira the Akkadain king Sargon the great and the Gilgamesph Biblical great flood stories . The subsequent settlement of the Han chinese race into the coastal plains of central China and its river civilisation atthe Yellow river Delta and the YangZi or long river craeted the legend of the Yellow emperor or Huang di and the reig of its Shahmantic Sage king or five Augustus sovereigns of Empeor Yao, Yu , Shun and Yu the great . It is Yu the great legend who subdued the floods from the Akkidain era that was tied up in a creation myth in which Yu the great consulted a gigantic Magic Chinese snake tortise snake with an oracle to subdue the great flood. This creation myth is the evidence of the Chinese prehistorical evoltion missing link which is linked to the giant Turtles of Galapogos . In my pratice of the Yellow Empeor Daoyin Qigong which is tied up in Chinese alchemy, astrology, planetry ecology and internal chinese chinese medcine for my renal kidney failure, it is stated that the my kidney as one of the five organs besides the heart, liver, Spleen and lungs is linked astrologically to the magic black tortise of the north in alingment with the planet Mecury and the Magic tortise of Hung di in which Shnag di being a half man and dragon demi water god and the god of the north pole has the tortise as an aquatic symbol of water power besides Zhu rong the fire god represnted by the fire snake . Shang di being the great bear or Ursa major star of the north rules over water and fire power of the mountins, rocks, rivers , sky and land as symbolic of the chinese strive for ecological balance and harmony of water and fire power . The black snake tortise is synomously a boy warrior torise spirit who helps Shang di to rule on behalf of Huang di and it is highly symbolic of water power and longetivity . The chinese god of weatlh rides of a tiger , The Chinese god of prestige rides on a dragon and the chinese god of longevity rides on a a tortise. Why is that so ? Both the crocodile and the turtle are considered as children and descendants of the drago king known as the Crocodile tuo dragon or dragon princes or duchess and it was the Dragon prince tortise tuo dragon or tuo dragon-prince which became the Chinese marine naval astrlogical symbol in its history and that was wny my matrnal great grandfather Bian Bao di had the Tuo dragon tortise tablet to commenrate his achievement having done great things for the nation as well as devloping the Fukien docklands and ship-buliding in his offical career as the governor-general of Fukien . so following with my fasciantion and intriggue by the Huang Di Shangdi legend , I asked myself some very significant curious facts and persoanl questions that will help to answer and impact on my persoanl life , directon and destiny : 1.What is the turth behinf this Chinese tortise heraldry 2.the pre-historical evoltionary misisng link with the Giant turltles of Galapogos 3. Why is the Tortise regraded as a symbol of longevity and assoicated with alchemy, awe and magic and it is until now that I woke up to these answers a. The giant gigantic green trutles and desert Californain turles are indeed a humogous and majestist sight to behold that the mind of primitive men would associte it with magic b. That it is a fact that Turtles and tortiese of all shapes and sizes are the greatest and longest surviours of pre-historical reptiles than the snake, Crocodlie and other replties c. Turltes are very unique in its self-defensive cohabitant and its shell life gives its strenght to surive . tortise shalls are so unique that thee is no other materail or ttiiuse or nerver bone that could replace its atomic shell structure other than to be repelced by fibger glass . No woder that turlte shells are so sacred, rare and preciously unique that it was used by the chiense for tortise shell divination, magic and alchemy d. that the legendary Snake tortise warrior in relation to the wroship of Shang di as its water guardain is actually the African Alligator Turtle . It is not only huge in size but a very fromidable predator of the sea and to be respected and subsequently incoparated as a clestial marine imperial Chinese symbol and knowning now gives me some clue that Shang di has per-detemiend by fate that I should have an interest in the preservation of turtles and tortises in realtion to my future destiny becasue they are a unique wonder as part of the Chinese acquatic ecolgocal marine naval astronomical heritage and life .

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