Tuesday 17 September 2013

The problem of the Bible and organised spirituality My problem with Christianity and the bible is not one of faith versus logic and reality or relgilion verus true history and science because all religious text including the bible with its long standing retrospetive history is bound to be controversial as to it is to be applied and it varies according to the individual belief system as to what they are comfortable with. This is why the psudeos scientific world views and controversies of Dr fitzof Capara and of Prof Paul Davies comes in to the picture where he posulates that while science can give evidences of a bigger or greater power or order that exist outside mysteriously of the universe, religious doctrines and beliefs in god are entirely based on personal convictions and not on facts which are not necessarily valid nor be substantiated . I personally find the problem to be very problematic in that it accounts for a very idiosyncratic historical world view of a Christ geo-centric cosmology as the creator of the cosmos and the true source of life . This dismisses automatically any validity in pre-historical evolution mysteries in relation to panlathological analysis and the study of the planets and it only gives very vague references to the solar system and all that the mysterious wonders of our galaxatic forces can offer and our dainosours reptile counter parts can shed some light on our origins especially given that the fabulous Chinese dragon and momuentous nagas or huge lizards of the Greek -idian nindo Aryan and austrenesian migration. Consequently, most correctly acclaimed biblically true centred believers especially those of the creation science legalist bible answers forum would dismiss any validity on Ufos and scientific mysteries of any sort and are the criticisms of Steph Hawkins , Richard Dawkins and the rationalist like. Putting that all that aside, christainity nonetheless like any monothiesitic creation based creeds of Judaism, Islam, Zoarastrainism and even the non-theistic philosophies of the oriental spiritualty such as Jainism, Therevadha Buddhsim , Confucionism, Taoism , Theosophy , Reiki and spiritual movements and their numerous creeds are by nature highly evangelical and apostolic - meaning that they are based on a system of commitment to discipleship and faithful moral dutiful calling to some superior guru or master to transmit some wisdom to obtain salvation and come pausible resolution to the mystery of the universe and answers to the meaning of life . All that is just a whole lot of bull for I am totally opposed to any commitments and responsibilities to follow any spiritual pathways of true discipleship . △ ▽ • ✏Edit •

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