Wednesday 23 October 2013

The lore of city God worship

City God worship had been observed since Medieval Chinese history when towns and cities and dykes were built. This was more so in the later Song dynasty with development in astral naval shipping , water astronomal clocks and engineering and the agricultural reforms of Minister Wang An shi . Then there is the strange story of Dee gong Ann or strange cases of Famous Tang dynasty Dee gong or Judge dee who sought an oracle from the city God temple . As a Chinese legalist scholar , I know that the city God is one of the Chinese legalist gods besides Guan gong and Shang di the astral great bear for militant power because Chinese legalism is about determining the rule of law and the preveledges of the political elite in power and control . What I love about the city god lore is that the city god as a link to the astral world is has a police jurisdictive and legal authority to watch over the people and report to the Jade emperor by deceiding on rewards and punishment and human welfare and protection of the population. So this necessitates the making and offering of all sorts of scarifical food offerings and exotic festival auspicious pastries to appease the heavens for luck and grace . It is also a very good opportunity to eat some exotic tasty treats . China since its civilisation always had been confronted with problems in relation to power and population control and industrialisation and this problem has only become more exacabated in our post modern times with numerous human rights issues and consumerism on the rise . Singapore is only but a micro minizarise world dominated by a semi-behanine benevolent autocacry of a one party dominated mad rat race society . It was under such prevalent circumstances where our mainland forebears resorted to their own devices of city God worship to voice for some justice and peace and protection from upstairs ! Chinese Temples: 23. Seng Wong Beo 都城隍古庙 Any tips for male/ female on prayer in this temple? I'm quite confused when some say male should pray anti clockwise before reching back to the

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