Saturday 23 November 2013

The Chinese educated Jade emperor venerator at the Singaporean Kellock road Coffeshop

I am not really interested in following any spefic philosophy and against any quest for any knowledge of the truth and any meaningful purpose to life . This is largely due to the fact that I am a follower of the chinese legalist militant power autocratic school of thought such as sun bin and han fei in which a highly militant power society is all about power and the rule of law and who has the right to hold power . The same is for Emperor Qin shi huang and Li si who is a legalsit and it was his advice and opposition aginast confucionsm and other religions and philsophies that led to the burning of confucious ethics because Confucionism is basically about civil administration and the rule of the ideal benevolent ruler . I am both a devout Song dynasty Jade emperor worshipper as well as very pre-clusive free-thinker charasmatic worshipper of the new creation church pastor Joseph prince prosperity gospel . God to me is merely and only a methaphoric spiritual reference of a higher or greater power beyond the universe . I do not personally and theologically accept and believe in that some kind personal creator of the universe and lovingly heavenly father god of all that exist high in the sky and I only propritate by Divine sovereign grace and will for good luck and health and get to eat something special and exotic to eat so I am not at all seriously spirituially committed myself to following any spiritual values and pathways of discipleship . It all came about one day when I was rushing in town to attend a career expo in the WTC and hurried looked for a place to have my lunch and my father dropped me into the Kellock Road coffeshop where we ate a bowl of teochew minced meat mushroom abalone mee pok. It was totally by chance that I fell into conversation speaking in mandarin with a Chinese educated person who sat with us on the same table and he told me that he was a jade emperor venerator free-thinker . Since this incident , I consequently did my own research into the popularity of Song dynasty jade emperor worshipping cult of Empeor Hui Zhong , the water margin, Qigong astral projections and astral dreaming and whenever I want something special to eat in town , I only need to project all my creative self-visualisation powers to the Jade emperor and will be able to find something special and exotic to eat anywhere and whenever I am in town to satisfy my overally self-assertive power egocentricity . Felix Tsung-Hsien Lim anywhere and whenever I am in town. This is because the Jade Emperor is the official ruler of heaven and responsible for the orderly nature of the cosmos and auspicious energies in line with the vegas star of the east of the solar energies of the sun so I propritate it and only it for everything in life to fall into place for me and only for me alone to satisfy my overly power egocentricity .

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