Monday 9 July 2012

True Gaun gong Stories in Chinese folklore - story 1

Story 1 - Of Guan gong's Chinese dragon Crescent Braodsword helberd , Chinese scimitars , oil and shipping Guan gong or Lord Guan was a popular Chinese folk-hero and a general from the time of the Chinese three Kingdom period of Chilvary when China was under chaos and ech state fought to maintiance of its miltary prowess, valour and control . Its ancinet tales of chilvary of true justice , fairness, equalty , virtures , valour and heroism predates from the Knight errants period of the warring states literature. Romance of the Three kingdom classical novels as one of China's priced literate classical works by Lo-Kuan-Chung and its heroic narratives were alter spreaded by chinese dramatic, astrologsit and recantours provincal-wide which led to the rise of the vogue of Chinese heroic worship of Guan gong in Chinese folklore. Guan Gong being a famed general was well known for weilding his Chinese crescent-shaped dragon blade helberd which was known as Guan Gong's Da dao or great dragon crescent sabre heldberd . It is widely used in Chinese painting, art and scupture today .He is even patronised by the Chinese poilce force as well as Chinese triad socities. In retrospect, there were several incidents in my childhood that drew to me be very attarcted to Gaun gong's helbard and Chinese Scimitars that relates to oil and shipping. It was only till recent after many years of retrospection and introspection that I discoverd the perssonal reason why that was the case which had led me to surf the net for oil and shipping news as a personal in-direct investor with the banks and take a very strong interest in China's Military and naval expansion as well as an entire trail of true stories Guan gong stories in chinese folk culture. For most Chinese Hongkong cantonse and Hokkien mercantile alike , it is worshipped as a military wealth god of sucess and prosperity . His heroic cult worship commenced with Cantonese paper merchants who worshipped him for themselves to be elevated to prestige when Gaun gong was raised to a general and it spreaded from that point in time . The reasons expalained to me were : a.According to Sally Tang, An Ipoh Hainamese chicken rice seller of Melbourne's Oriental Golden wok at the Casueway Hotel That because Guan Gong was originally a beancurd seller who alter rose pretigeousloy to become a general from being a humble beancurd seller . He was also known for his firece loyalty, courage, justice and integetery jointly with the three Brotherhood peach orchard oath of true justice and faternal undying loyalty he pleaded with Liu Bei the elder being was originally a straw scandel pedlar and Zhang fei a buthcer . b. Undying loyalty , trust and ingtery and cultivation of good-will are very essential for undertaking any enterprise by a Chinese Zhen yi Daoist monk of the Suzhou God of Chinese literture temple c. That he is even a popular folk hero amongst the police force, chinese martail arts prastices and Chinese triad secret socities inclduing the Melbourne chinese Masonic society becasue there is to be even honour amnongst thieves. d. According to MR. Loh my mother's cantonese Malaysain jeweller that his helberd symbolised the cutting of evil to dispel misfortune and his spirit of justice or yihey attacts auspicality. It all began first when my father drove a toy shop regularly in Singapore's Tiong Bahru Seng Poh road with a big and colourful golden helberd and other encounters with its life-size Chinese ceramic greenish proclean statue with him holding his heldberd standing fierciously and guarding against all evil energies . It was much later here in Melbourne as an overseas Chinse migrant that I realised I was drawn to it becasue I am simply becasue I am a very rude and disrespectivefully rude and arragont ,over self-centred power and selfish power aggressive bastard who have completely no respect for life and all humanity and any quest for the truth and knowledge of life and acqusition of wisdom . The most significant incidence occured in 1979 when I turned 11 years old . My fourth aunt Hsiu mei drove to Marine parade in Singapore's East caost for for my adoptive girl cousin's dental check-up. She drove past a tall bulidng which stood magcificently lofty by the sea front with its helium sign board displaying a slivery metallic gleaming and shimmering Chinese scimitar or Piao dao which was a symbol of Singapore's unique brand of peanut oil . It was much later as an overseas Chinese migrant that I made the connection of the Chinese scimitar's connection with Singapore's oil and maritine shipping history while surfing the net . After reading Margarat O'suvillan's narrative of Singaore's cottage industries in high rise Singapore in the Ships and things section that I discovered for myself that Singapore had a very long history of Asain-pacific and middle eastern Malay Archepalago shipping martine trade from the 5th century onwards which commenced with the Thai-Malay-Indonesain Srivijayan empire. Its many mercantile vessels and frigates sailed from Arabia, Massacare, Johore and Malaysia , China and India . At a certain time in Singpaore's history of overseas Chinese settlement early history, the boat buiders assocition of Singapore's Jalan Kayu while making boats out of timber and fiber glass propriated the Chinese river sea goddess emperss of heaven Mahzu while some venerated Di gong or the Chinese astrological great bear Shang di or north pole chinese star-dipper astral god or drak face lord in relflection of divine guidance from China's astro-navigation seafaring history. Follwing this narration , I surfed the net and came across the Jalan Kayu Gaun Gong temple where its overseas Chinese Singaprean Doaist chinee folklore believers worshipped Gaun gong, Di gong and Bao gong which released me to another episode in my adventures of my Bao gong ghost dreaming . Tracing my overseas Chinese roots of the Lim family, I disocovered according to the Chinese hundred book of surnames that being a Foochow and Chinese , I am a descendant of the period of Waring sates politican Lin Xiang ru, Qing dynasty Lin zhe xu and post Maosit China fall of the Gang of four Lin Piao . In a trip to China's weihei province , I recollecte thast It was Captain Lin Yong sheng as a naval commander who sailed his chinese frigate to weihei the Shangdong province under Li hong Zhang's aramda's Beiyang fleet . He sailed his frigate into Weihei wei bearing his late Qing dynasty scimitar or cutlasss . China's lost of the Sino-Japanese war was marked by the Japanese warship topedo attack on of Li Hong Zhong's armada and Lin Yong Sheng's frigate in which he battled to the last moment of his death by drowning. Having discovered this true historical fact shed some light and resloved my long search for a life long expalination at last as to why I always had been strongly and felt a very interest and bonding with Chinese cutlasses and ships from the days of my childhood as well as ths fact that I have also auto-generically inherited Lin Piao's genetic make-up in my persoanl pre-written DNA being a very deviously cunning , manipulative and dirty little selfish crooked fox and highy obessed with chinese miltaant prowess and martail arts.

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